Is CBA safe for kids?

April 13, 2020
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Copaiba is an essential oil resin, which at X5 Naturals is more commonly known as CBA. It is the resin from the Copaifera tree, which is found in South America. CBA is subtle, grounding, light, and affordable. So, is CBA safe for kids? And if so, how might it resource our youngsters in the world today, especially during this season of COVID-19?

Well, to answer the first question, is CBA safe for kids? We must start by saying a confident YES. CBA falls under the gentle category of essential oils, as highlighted by the blog Kid-Friendly Products: Essential Oils & Carrier Oils1 This list also names two other favorites essential oils in our kid’s line, Vetiver, and Lavender. The Mommy Connections blog highlights the use of Copaiba to ease achy joints, support the respiratory system, and even help with teething. It also highlights Lavender.2

CBA contains a high percentage of the cannabinoid beta-caryophyllene (BCP)3, this is a natural inflammatory fighter, that reduces stress in the body by interacting with receptors, namely, the CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB2 receptor is an inflammation regulator and can be found primarily in the immune system and on the surface of white blood cells throughout the whole body.

In 2017 a study4 was released, which showed how cannabinoids were able to bring improvement to attention issues, and this is why the cannabinoid content in CBA is such a perfect choice for children. CBA, unlike CBD, has never had a compound known as THC, which is a mind-altering substance found in cannabis, the plant from which CBD comes. CBA comes from the Copaifera tree, which does not contain any THC, it is this that can be hugely appealing to parents and guardians. It helps ease some of the stigma, especially surrounding cannabinoids, which might be more commonly associated with CBD oils.

As CBA interacts with receptors in the body, it creates a sense of calm, promoting relaxation, concentration, and supports mood. The cannabinoids in CBA stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). They do this through the endocannabinoid system, which is a complex network of cell-signaling that runs throughout the body.5 As the cannabinoids in CBA reduce inflammation in the body, it can have a possible and positive impact on the immune system too.

The safe for children X5 Naturals kids line of products come in the form of Calma Llama, a calming roll-on oil and Sleepy Sloth, a sleep aid. Both of these products contain CBA, which is light, grounding, and safe for kids, and could be just the support they need during this unsettling time.

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